Free Kindle Books Today – Eggs and Clutter
I’ve downloaded a few free Kindle book titles today. Note that often Amazon has free book titles for only a very short time, so they may revert back to regular prices at any time.
I’ve downloaded a few free Kindle book titles today. Note that often Amazon has free book titles for only a very short time, so they may revert back to regular prices at any time.
I’ve been busy finishing up tax season and am now starting to turn my attention to the gardens. It’s been a long, hard winter here in Indiana. Spring finally arrived with a fanfare of crocuses and daffodils. Welcome, Spring! Here are some inspiring sites to get you in a Spring kind of mood ….
One of the best parts of fall harvesting is the baking that follows. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been freezing lovely orange bags of butternut squash and also lighter orange bags of pumpkin. I saved aside enough to make both butternut squash bread and pumpkin bread, and it was a great pleasure to […]
Some time ago, I blogged about picking and working with mulberries – Wild Blackberries, No, They’re Mulberries . One thing that makes mulberries more time-consuming is their little green stems. You can see them in this photo of the mulberries that we had picked. I learned a lesson in simplicity from those mulberries. Funny how […]
I’m not sure what I like most about picking raspberries – the pretty scene of the red berries against the vibrant green leaves, the anticipation of eating the berries, or the opportunity to spend some time with Chris. Our raspberries turn a beautiful deep shade of dark red when they are ripe. In the early summer, they start out as hard, little brown buds that seem to me to look like dried up raspberries. With a little patience and a lot of rain and sun, the berries begin to turn white, then green, then pale pink, then orange-red, and finally dark red. The dark, yet vibrant, red berries are ready to pick.
“Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral.” ~Frank Lloyd Wright Almost two weeks ago, we bought four chickens from a local microbiologist. Despite the oddity of buying from someone whose interest in chickens seemed to be somewhat scientific – he was interested in […]
A couple of the foods on the list are a little extreme (avoid all bread, for instance), but several of them have solid, surprising reasons for being on the list. Here at Simple Life, we believe that the foods you eat can have a profound affect on your health and emotions. One of the fundamental parts of simplifying your life is learning to nurture your body and mind.
This recipe for Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies has been popular on the Simple Life Corp site. They are deceptively simple – just five ingredients (including the Hershey kiss) – and require no flour.
If you are looking for a quick cookie to make for a gift basket or for a last minute party, this is an excellent choice
We brought in two bushel baskets of tomatoes and peppers from the garden today, to save them from the freeze. This weekend, I made a dish of Spanish Rice with some of the fresh tomatoes and peppers and I’ve posted the recipe and steps so you can try it too.
Of all the vegetables that we grow, my favorite to harvest is the potato. It’s like digging for treasure. Each plant is a mystery – the size and location of the plant above ground does not always match the bounty of potatoes underground. No matter how I try to mark the plants, I still find potatoes in all sorts of unexpected places. I’ve finally decided that the best way to approach my potato beds is to pick one corner and start digging methodically until I’ve turned over every bit of soil in the bed.