Changes – Advice from Rumi
Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down.
Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down.
Rumi wrote this over 800 years ago, yet love hasn’t changed. Love is timeless, endless. And no one says it better than Rumi. “Although I may try to describe love, When I experience it, I am speechless.” – Rumi May you experience love today and every tomorrow.
Sometimes I come across a word that lights me up because it expresses something perfectly. My word for the day is satori. I needed it. I discovered the word in Eckhart Tolle’s book – A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose – on page 177. It immediately resonated with me. I had to […]
I have lived on the lip of insanity wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. The door opens. I’ve been knocking from the inside. Rumi Rumi Quotes – Wisdom for today Photo of door courtesy of artur84 and freedigitalphotos.net
Sometimes daily life can seem like drudgery, something to just be tolerated. When I find myself feeling this way, it is almost always because I have been focusing relentlessly on a problem that overshadows me. It might be a looming deadline, a bit of family drama, or something of the sort. It might be nothing definable; I’m just in a rut and forgot to even think about finding joy in life.
Getting back to enjoying life, rather than enduring life, is really quite simple: look for things that bring you joy.
I’m reading – or perhaps I should say working through – the book Find Your Purpose, Change Your Life by Carol Adreinne. (As a side note, I have an extra copy of this book that I plan to give away on this site or on the Simple Life Facebook page so do watch for that […]
The storms nature has brought to my world – my Indiana farmhouse – have thankfully not been as intense or as damaging as they potentially could have been. A couple of years ago, intense winds, possibly a small tornado, passed by the house, wrecking havoc with the barn doors and large tree limbs. I made it through that, too, and felt I learned a valuable lesson from it.
A sense of gratitude is something that can be consciously developed and increased. Keeping a journal helps you to develop a habit of being aware of all the things that are positive and supportive in your life. It clarifies the moments of joy and reminds you to stop and take notice when you realize that you have stumbled onto one of those moments. However, I didn’t realize that gratitude can boost your career, help you sleep better, and even keep you healthier, and that’s just a sample of Amit’s list of benefits.
Have you been stuck trying to solve a problem or make a decision and finding yourself nearly obsessed with reviewing the pros and cons and possible outcomes? You’ve done the research, yet still cannot get a clear answer. You’re frozen, somehow sure that no matter what path you take, a dire result awaits you. For […]
Today I want to share something that has inspired me. Maybe it will have a good effect on you, too. Sometimes just a small change in perspective can create a dramatic change in results. I’ve read a post from the Marc and Angel Hack Life blog that left me feeling a little dazed in thought. […]