Did You Get the Task Done or Did You Do Nothing at All?
Do you have a problem with hectic days, yet little seems to get accomplished? I know I often do.
Do you have a problem with hectic days, yet little seems to get accomplished? I know I often do.
Now you know that even a short workout will give tangible benefits. Why not start with 5 minutes a day? (Well, of course, you’ll check first with your doctor if you have any health concerns at all.) Add minutes in a week or two, but just get started. Make up your own little workout, say marching in place for 3 minutes and stretching for another 2 minutes. Or perhaps you could do 2 minutes of leg exercises, 2 minutes of ab exercises, and 1 minute of walking. This list of starting workouts should get you toned and graceful in no time, well make that 5 -15 minutes a day!
Today I want to share something that has inspired me. Maybe it will have a good effect on you, too. Sometimes just a small change in perspective can create a dramatic change in results. I’ve read a post from the Marc and Angel Hack Life blog that left me feeling a little dazed in thought. […]
Have you been asking or praying for help, ideas, or for an answer, yet despite your fervent and frequent requests, no answer or help appears?
Maybe you are not listening.
Sometimes a simple, small change can have a big impact on an outcome. Recently, I found that in the tug of war between my to-do list and my getting to places on time, the to-do list was winning. I was continually trying to squeeze in one last task before I left for an appointment. Inevitably, I would have to scramble in order to barely arrive on time, or even a moment late.
One common thought in the pursuit of happiness is the thought that once we get something, we’ll be happy. How many times have you had that mindset? … Once I get my college degree, I’ll be happy … When I have my own house, I’ll be happy … I would be so happy if I had that red dress … If I had a nicer car, I’d be happy… If I had a better job, I’d be happy … I would really be happy if I had a slimmer body …
Although I did not realize it until the sign gave me the perspective, in many ways I have been waiting for the perfect time and available money when I could sort of wave a magic wand and make my entire home beautiful, artistic, and wonderfully decorated. Meantime, I’ve been tolerating pieces of furniture and entire rooms that I don’t really feel comfortable with. In my mind, these areas are in a waiting pattern, to be changed “someday.”
Are you yearning for a new career, or just to move up in your current field, but find yourself intimidated or downright frozen by the thought of taking a required class or passing a qualifying exam? You may be avoiding the classes that will help you make a desired career change because you have trouble […]
Over the last year or so of earnestly clearing clutter from my home, I’ve learned a few things. The most recent came as a revelation of what should have been obvious to me all along: clearing clutter is a skill, not an inborn talent or trait. It’s something everyone can learn, if they really want to. The skills of clearing clutter are not what I expected, though. I expected to learn how to neatly stack things on shelves, and how to get organized, as well as how to get rid of clearly useless things. Yes I am learning these expected things, but I have learned much deeper, and much more powerful skills. I’ll briefly share them here – you can read more explanation in the full article.
We can learn to face the large fears and to make the large changes by simply beginning to find the courage to begin changing the small things in life that we are tolerating. I realized from this that reaching goals, becoming prosperous, and leading a simple, joyful life are really just learned skills and habits.