Archive for the 'Self-Growth' Category

 Loss and Healing

Denying the pain of loss also denies the experience of grief. Grief is a process that allows us to go deeper into ourselves. By experiencing grief and letting it unfold in full, we come to a place of acceptance and surrender. Once we have reached this place, we can also let go of compulsive needs to explain, to question why, to blame, or to replay movies in our minds about the event and what we “should have” done.

 A Little Piece of Lint Teaches Me a Big Lesson

I had walked past that darned piece of lint at least a dozen times before the full realization hit me: I was experiencing a little distraction and a little zing of stress every time I saw it. Little did I know that I was about to discover a way to increase my self-esteem and lower my levels of stress.

 Abundance is Yours for the Action

One very powerful shift toward bringing abundance in your life is to first recognize and appreciate what you already have. Without this approach toward your life, it will not matter how much you have. As you acquire things, you will quickly become dissatisfied with them and want something more, something different, or something “better.”

 Powerful and Feminine – New Book from Rachael Jayne Groover

I was thrilled to see that Rachael Jayne Groover has released her book, Powerful and Feminine – How to Increase Your Magnetic Presence and Attract the Attention You Want.

If you’ve followed my blog, you will remember that I posted a link to a video from Rachael Jayne Groover, founder of The Yin Project, as she discusses and teaches women how to increase their sense of attractive presence. (Link to the blog post – Increasing Your Feminine Radiance and Power).

 Defining Moments

Sometimes we hear a few words, have a chance interaction, or get an unexpected result and suddenly our world shifts, our perspective changes and we feel the impact of something powerful. We emerge lost in thought, awed, perhaps confused, or perhaps glowing with sharp clarity. From the experience, we’ve become a different person.

 When Our Dreams Are Stuck on Hold

One of the biggest points for me personally was when she said that the people who succeed stop “over thinking.” That is a real issue with me. I tend to analyze, research, find 100 different possibilities, list all the problems that may occur, identify another 100 things that I need to learn, and then do nothing because I can’t decide what the “best” course of action is.

 Maybe This is Why You Are Feeling Low

Sometimes our sense of empathy can be too strong. Just being in the same room with a negative person can leave us feeling depressed, vulnerable, stressed or, at best, vaguely sad. No matter how hard we try, we end up being deeply affected by the negative person’s emotions.

 The Worry Habit

Worry and anxiety are unpleasant. They make us uncertain, nervous, unable to relax, and often keep us from making needed progress. Worrying too much can keep us from enjoying our lives and can make it nearly impossible to make important decisions. At best, worrying can make us restless and unable to fully concentrate. At worst, it can cause insomnia, rash behavior, embarrassment, and keep us trapped in mind movies that play out all sorts of tragic scenarios. We can worry so often that it becomes a habit – the worry habit.

 What is Stopping You? Think Again.

This Chinese girl plays beautiful piano music – in spite of missing the fingers on one hand. Why did it move me so deeply? Perhaps because the girl is beautiful and graceful, her hair in cascades down her back and her dress a creation perhaps from a fairy tale. Perhaps because the music is lovely and played with the kind of feeling that makes you close your eyes, smile, and simply listen, each note resonating somewhere deep inside.

I think, though, that I was especially moved because it felt like a personal message.

 Start a Gratitude Journal – Love Your Life

When was the last time you experienced something and felt a flash or a wave of joy, happiness, or deep contentment?  It may have been just a moment of pleasure- such as glancing out of your car window to see a lovely garden of flowers.  It might have been something more substantial, such as your […]