Ask These 5 Questions to Reach Your Goals
We’re more than half-way through the year. Get out the resolutions and goals you made in January for this year. Read them through.
We’re more than half-way through the year. Get out the resolutions and goals you made in January for this year. Read them through.
Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down.
Count your blessings and realize how much you already have to be thankful for. Visit our page Today I’m Grateful- Everyday Gratitude for encouragement and ideas for your gratitude journal.
Sometimes I come across a word that lights me up because it expresses something perfectly. My word for the day is satori. I needed it. I discovered the word in Eckhart Tolle’s book – A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose – on page 177. It immediately resonated with me. I had to […]
I have lived on the lip of insanity wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. The door opens. I’ve been knocking from the inside. Rumi Rumi Quotes – Wisdom for today Photo of door courtesy of artur84 and freedigitalphotos.net
When you learn how to listen better in a relationship, it will sometimes feel risky, confusing, or painful, but it will bring a much deeper and more truthful connection. Isolation is replaced with respect, curiosity, new perspectives, and love.
I was impressed with this decluttering video and wanted to share it. Sometimes, maybe even most times, just finding a place to start and beginning to take regular steps is a good way to begin to simplify your life as well as make improvements that will make your life happier and more satisfying.
For now, I’ll share a summary of success strategies from an article at Oprah.com that caught my attention ….did you know that turning the thermostat up should increase your productivity? Oh yeah!
Some time ago, I blogged about picking and working with mulberries – Wild Blackberries, No, They’re Mulberries . One thing that makes mulberries more time-consuming is their little green stems. You can see them in this photo of the mulberries that we had picked. I learned a lesson in simplicity from those mulberries. Funny how […]