Ahhh. Satori.

Sometimes I come across a word that lights me up because it expresses something perfectly.  My word for the day is satori.   I needed it.

I discovered the word in Eckhart Tolle’s book – A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose – on page 177.  It immediately resonated with me.  I had to stop and write it down in my fat little notebook of new words.

Satori: “A zen word for a moment of presence, a brief stepping out of the voice in your head, the thought processes, and their reflection in the body as emotion.  It is the arising of inner spaciousness where before there was the clutter of thought and the turmoil of emotion.”

Inner spaciousness replacing clutter of thought and turmoil of emotion.  Perfect.

I hope you, too, find space for satori today.

Chain O Lakes view from hiking trail

View of lake from Chain O Lakes State Park hiking trail July 2017







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