The Little Gratitude Journal Has Powerful Benefits

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”
       – Thornton Wilder

Happy boy jumping by the oceanSome of the most radiant moments of my day are when I write in my gratitude journal.  It takes just a few moments to do the actual entries, but I find myself reflecting back over my entire day as I think of the things that brought a smile or a sense of happiness to me.

A sense of gratitude is something that can be consciously developed and increased. Keeping a journal helps you to develop a habit of being aware of all the things that are positive and supportive in your life.  It clarifies the moments of joy and reminds you to stop and take notice when you realize that you have stumbled onto one of those moments.

I’ve just read a blog post which lists some excellent research into all of the benefits of gratitude – The 31 Benefits of Gratitude You Didn’t Know About: how Gratitude Can Change Your Life – on the Happier Human blog.   I’ve already experienced some of the benefits – help in relaxing, feeling happier, and being more optimistic.  However, I didn’t realize that gratitude can boost your career, help you sleep better, and even keep you healthier, and that’s just a sample of Amit’s list of benefits.

One piece of his research that I found fascinating is Amit’s chart comparing the increase of happiness in winning the lottery vs. keeping a gratitude journal.  Winning the lottery shows an immediate burst of increased happiness that begins a sharp decline.  Keeping a gratitude journal starts an upward curve of happiness that exceeds the happiness of winning the lottery (and continues the upward slope) after just three months. By this chart, if you want to have lasting happiness, you are better off keeping a gratitude journal than you would be from winning the lottery!

Take a look at the article How to Start a Gratitude Journal if you’d like some guidance and ideas on starting and keeping your own journal.

Get a note book out and start noting the things that you are grateful for.  It could change your life … in 31 different ways!

Have you tried a gratitude journal?  What are you grateful for?

In peace,



“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
– Oprah Winfrey



Related post: Start a Gratitude Journal, Love Your Life


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16 Responses to “The Little Gratitude Journal Has Powerful Benefits”

  1. Bobbi Emel Says:

    Hi Patti,

    I have not tried a gratitude journal but I try to be conscious of my gratitude throughout the week. Sometimes I just look up into the sky or whatever is above me to help get me out of my head and this practice inevitably leads to gratitude.

    I think the idea of a journal is a good one, though. Research (as Amit has described and others) shows that keeping a list of things you’re grateful for even one time per week can create lasting positive emotions.
    Bobbi Emel recently posted..How to stop worryingMy Profile


    Patti Reply:

    Bobbi, being conscious of your gratitude is really what it is all about. I love the thought of looking up into the sky and having that feeling lead to gratitude. Being out in nature is usually when I realize how much I have to be grateful for!


  2. Lori Lynn Smith Says:

    Love the quotes that you have included with the writing!
    Lori Lynn Smith recently posted..Keep Your Brain FitMy Profile


    Patti Reply:

    Thanks, Lori. I really like quotes and have quite a collection and am always finding more. It feels great to find a quote that fits with the theme of a post.


  3. Jane Robinson Says:

    I used to keep a gratitude journal but gave it up to use prayer and meditation to really look inside and give thanks. I am burdened by the unjust world for women/girls and recently was moved to support the Somaly Mam Foundation to fight against abuse, victimization and torture of females around the world. I might begin my journal again so I continue to be motivated to fight for those who don’t have a voice.
    Jane Robinson recently posted..Which Wolf Are You Feeding?My Profile


    Patti Reply:

    Using prayer and meditation sounds like a great way to give thanks! I’m not familiar with the Somaly Mam Foundation; I’ll have to google it and check it out.


  4. Gary Korisko Says:

    I enjoyed this, Patti – and agree that regularly taking note of things we’re grateful for leads to more happiness.

    Gratitude creates a tendency toward servitude…which creates more gratitude.

    It’s the opposite of a vicious circle 🙂
    Gary Korisko recently posted..Comment on 5 Ways To Make The Shift From Broadcasting To Engaging by Gary KoriskoMy Profile


    Patti Reply:

    I like that comment …” gratitude creates a tendency toward servitude … which creates more gratitude.” I interpret that as gratitude getting you out of your own ego and making you more aware of everything around you, including other people. That awareness would make you more sensitive to other’s needs and more likely to do something about it. Perfect!


  5. Priska Says:

    I journal everyday but do not keep a gratitude journal, perhaps I should start including it as part of my journaling practice.
    I have also read that when people win the lottery, they go on a high but twelve months later feel no different to before winning.
    Our brains are naturally wired to be on alert to dangers in life, so our default mode is to notice bad things that happen.
    With daily practice using a gratitude diary we can rewire our brain to notice things that bring pleasure.
    Priska recently posted..Blogging Boomers are Blooming.My Profile


    Patti Reply:

    Priska, adding an observation or two of things that really had a positive impact on you would be a natural addition to your journaling.
    That is a good comment about rewiring our brains to notice the things that bring pleasure … I don’t know if I’ve been rewired 🙂 but I do find that I consciously notice more good things since I started keeping a journal.


  6. Dave Says:

    Hi Patti,

    I love the idea of a gratitude journal. It seems like a great way to build up a habit of gratitude. Even with the good intention to remind myself of all the good in my life, I often forget to do that. A journal would definitely help.
    Dave recently posted..finding beauty through simplicityMy Profile


    Patti Reply:

    Dave, one of the things I like best about my little journal is leafing back through it and getting refreshing waves of reminders of all the really good things in life. It’s funny how just a few words on the lines will bring back a burst of memories that make me smile. There are some days I really need that!


  7. Kim Thirion ? Un-CopiedLife Says:

    I’ve tried this off and on over the last few years and it’s really great. And, Patti, like you said in the comment above, looking back at what you’ve written can be a really amazing thing.
    Kim Thirion ? Un-CopiedLife recently posted..Today I Shall Love MyselfMy Profile


    Patti Reply:

    Kim, it’s good to get input from someone who has kept a gratitude journal. Looking back through it is amazing, especially with the surprises of reading things I had totally forgotten about … I hope that’s not a sign of age!


  8. Amit Amin Says:

    Thank you for sharing my post and spreading the message of gratitude!

    I hope that over time, gratitude will become an increasingly larger part of more people’s lives 🙂
    Amit Amin recently posted..The Power and Vestigiality of Positive Emotion – What’s Your Happiness Ratio?My Profile


  9. Patti Says:

    Amit, your post deserved to be shared … I hope everyone gives it a good read.

    It would surely be a grander and more joyful world if we all made gratitude a larger part of our lives.


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