Ask These 5 Questions to Reach Your Goals
Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.
Napoleon Hill

We’re more than half-way through the year. Get out the resolutions and goals you made in January for this year. Read them through.
Has all the upheaval and unexpected events of this year changed your outlook and your goals? Maybe some of the goals don’t seem as important. Maybe some seem more precious than ever.
Update them, change them, revise them. Write down why you want each goal. Not some casual scribble done to get through the exercise. Ask why and why again. Let the answer reveal itself to you with clarity.
Note on each goal where you were on Jan 1st and where you are now. Did you make any progress? If not, why not? Answer this again, and again.
5 Questions to Guide You
Pick the three most important goals – and answer these questions:
- What will it look and feel like when the goal is fulfilled? Details!
- What exactly must happen before you can declare the goal fulfilled?
- What obstacles can you reasonably expect to encounter and what ideas do you have to overcome them?
- What is the next small step that needs to be taken? Which day shall you schedule it on your calendar?
- What are the habits and regular actions of a person who is succeeding in reaching this goal? Which small habit will you start today to become successful like this person?
Now begin again or continue on. Small, regular steps and daily habits. Goal achievement is a process. Starts, stops, sputters, and stalls are to be expected. You must expect them and plan how you will overcome them. You must learn to adjust and continue on if you want to fulfill your goals.
Review, Adjust, Repeat
Periodic review of your goals and adjustment of your daily habits is essential to achieving your most coveted goals.
How are your goals progressing this year?