Simply Your Life in the Midst of a Snow Storm
There is a snow storm raging outside as I post this. The storm probably sounds worse than it actually is. The wind is roaring and occasionally rattling the windows, but most of all, it is blowing the snow into smooth curved drifts around the yard. I’ll enjoy listening to the wind just before I fall asleep. A warm blanket and a soft pillow just enhances the effect.
Things are still out of sync at the house, with tax season in full gear and the kitchen remodel experiencing mishap after mishap. We’re six weeks into the project and no finished kitchen in sight. It will probably be another month! (Did I mention that this was supposed to be a three week project?) The contractors have hooked up a temporary kitchen sink and I never thought I’d feel so blessed just to have a sink and running water. Washing dishes in a little oval of a sink in the bathroom will do that to you.
Enough of the grumbling. Today I’m going to share a great article … 10 Steps to Simplify Your Life .
I’ve just posted this article to the Simple Life site. Take a look and try at least one of the steps today.
Now I’m going to listen to the snow storm. I’d watch it out the window, but it’s too dark. I’ll just have to wait until morning to see how much snow the wind bought in. It’s a little exciting.
I hope that you are safe from any storms.
March 17th, 2013 at 11:54 am
[…] snow storm that I was experiencing in the last post is just a memory now. The storm came, brought brief blinding white-out moments, bitter wind, and […]