Achieving Goals and Building Financial Strength
The last three weeks have been a blur of activity -Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Day, my son finding and moving to his perfect place to live, the contractor finalizing the plans and setting the date for our new kitchen remodeling job, tax season beginning, …. I’m sure there’s more but I think I may have missed it as it whizzed by.
One thing I didn’t miss was the New Year and taking the time to review my goals from last year and to begin writing my goals for 2013. Each year, I take my time with the goals and give myself a week or so to think them through and write them out. Sometimes my goal list is a little more like a journal or a letter to myself than the more typical list of New Years resolutions. Once I’m all done, though, I’ll go back and pick the most important goals to concentrate on and I’ll write them in a few powerful words so that they will be easy to remember and review.
How about you? Did you make any New Year’s resolutions?
Here are two tools for helping you to keep your New Year’s resolutions –
How to Achieve Your Goals – make it simple with 7 steps that nearly insure your success
Automatic Investing – A Secret of the Rich – this is posted on our sister site, The Fat Dollar
I hope that you had a very Happy New Year!
January 7th, 2013 at 4:43 pm
Hi Patti,
My end of year sounds similar to yours, pretty hectic. My main resolution this year is to write, write, write!
2012 was a tough one, I’m feeling good about this year.
Best wishes for 2013!
Dave recently posted..the idea catcher
Patti Reply:
January 7th, 2013 at 8:59 pm
That is a good resolution, Dave. It reminds me of the little sign I have on my wall: A writer WRITES.
Here’s to a new and improved 2013!
January 8th, 2013 at 1:12 am
My resolution is the same as Daves. I have resolved to write first thing each morning.
Priska recently posted..Blogging Boomers are Blooming.
Patti Reply:
January 8th, 2013 at 9:14 am
Hi Priska,
Mornings are such a good time to write for so many reasons. Maybe the best one is that writing first thing in the morning means that it gets done first and does not have the risk of having it pushed aside until there is no time left for it.
Hope your year is off to a great start.
January 9th, 2013 at 1:24 am
I also hope to spend a lot more time writing in 2013. But my true resolution is to be easy on myself. I have a feeling if I allow fallow time, the writing will follow.
Sarah | Holistic Hot Sauce recently posted..You Are Enough
Patti Reply:
January 9th, 2013 at 4:56 pm
Sarah, I wish you the best with your resolutions. Resolving to be easier on oneself could make a real difference in daily life – it sounds not only peaceful but also gives permission to nurture your natural creativity.
January 13th, 2013 at 3:49 am
I don’t make new years resolutions.
They’ve got too much baggage (well, for me – lots of failure 🙂 ).
Rather than suddenly getting motivated december/january, I now try to maintain my enthusiasm for change throughout the year.
Amit Amin recently posted..The Science of Accomplishment – 30 Motivational Skills To Get Your New Year’s Resolution Done
Patti Reply:
January 13th, 2013 at 11:19 pm
Amit, staying motivated for change throughout the year is a critical aspect of reaching a goal for sure!
One thing I like about New Years resolutions is that there is a set date (Jan 1) for reviewing, reflecting, and creating new directions and goals. It also creates a natural deadline for accomplishing a goal (Dec 31). However, your point is well taken: if you don’t stay focused and interested in the goal throughout the year, then yearly goal writing is not all that effective. It is important to have a regular review process.
April 23rd, 2013 at 2:05 am
Failures in the past are just another lesson and preparation for what lies ahead of you. Resolution gives you an idea to improve and grow each day. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Another great story!
book exchange
Patti Reply:
September 8th, 2013 at 10:57 am
Don’t know how I missed your comment! I agree, that failures should really just create awareness that an adjustment needs to be made. Looking at it as a lesson and with resolution to improve is a great way to look at it. Thanks for the comment.
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