Abundance is Yours for the Action
One very powerful shift toward bringing abundance in your life is to first recognize and appreciate what you already have. Without this approach toward your life, it will not matter how much you have. As you acquire things, you will quickly become dissatisfied with them and want something more, something different, or something “better.”
In this light, by opening your awareness of your present life, nearly every day you will discover a hidden resource, an unrecognized skill, an unappreciated treasure, or a moment of pure joy. Believe me, they are there all around you. Pay attention and see what you find. You already have an amazing life.
Perhaps you are afraid to honor or enjoy your current life or surroundings because you fear that it will stop you from gaining more abundance, beauty, or personal freedom. You may be afraid that by liking and being grateful for what you have, a Higher Power will decide that you do not need or deserve any more. You will stay “stuck” where you are.
Quite the opposite is true. In his classic work, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill emphasizes that in order to move into wealth and success, one must first start right where he is and give and do his best, with deep appreciation for and enjoyment of each step. At the same time, one expresses his desires with quiet confidence. This brings the energy into your life to begin your expansion to more opportunity and opens the pathways to your goals.
In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles describes exactly the same concept. He lays out a method, which he calls the Certain Way, which begins exactly where you are in your present business and present location. He shows how giving your best efforts and best appreciation to exactly where you are now will have dramatic effects on bringing valid and desired success into your life.
Take note that both of the above works define “rich” in far broader and deeper terms than just having money. For both of these men, “rich” meant doing work that is loved, having abundance flow easily, nurturing deep relationships, giving of oneself to the greater good of the community, finding great joy in everyday life, and having all of the personal possessions and money that is truly wanted and needed.
Think of this concept in this way: Say that you as a parent gave your child a nice outfit to wear, but your child paid little attention to it, didn’t take care of it and worse, hardly said thank you! In fact, your child just complained about the over-priced designer outfit that they wanted instead. How many more nice outfits would you buy this child? But what if, instead, your child cherished everything you gave them, was genuinely grateful, enjoyed how they looked in the outfits, and did their best to take care of them? At the same time, your child expressed interest and appreciation, without a sense of demand and in no way diminishing what he already has been given, in additional outfits. Wouldn’t you be inclined to provide more when possible, already knowing how much your child would appreciate it? The Universe works this way, too.
So take a look around. Where are you, right now? What job? What home? What relationships? Are you giving 100% to each of them? Or are you neglecting them, perhaps feeling resentful, bored, or trapped? Start right there. You have the power to recognize the good sections, give your personal best, and open the doors to all that the Universe would love to offer you. It’s your move.
In peace and encouragement,