The Gloves Fit and That Makes Me Happy
post by Patti Tokar
This spring I picked up a pair of ladies gardening gloves from our local farm supply store, Kruse Farm Supply. It was an impulse purchase. They were hanging on display on the pleasantly dirty greenhouse check-out counter. I noticed them while I was waiting to pay for my flats of flowers. The label said “Atlas Glove. The Original Nitrile Touch. Fits like a second skin. TRY IT ON!” So of course I did just that and I am as pleased as can be.
I picked out a darling pink pair. They are very lightweight, very tough and very water resistant. This is the first year that my hands and nails actually stay clean inside my gloves. I’ve been able to work easily in damp soil without getting gummy wet gardening gloves. It’s just a pleasure to use them and it makes gardening a little easier and cleanup faster.
I think the best part is that they were less than $6.00 a pair! I’m going to pick up another pair next time I go to Kruse Farm Supply.
In case you are interested, the tag says NT370 and I got a size medium. If you get some, I hope that you have the same wonderful experience that I have!