This Moment, Soon Lost

photography by Patti Tokar copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved
post by Patti Tokar
Nature offers beauty at unexpected moments: A magenta drenched sunset. Golden light dazzling in sharp patterns across the field. Frost breathed in white layers over the lawn. A single pink rose blossoming amidst the fall leaves. A baby concentrating hard on pulling herself to a full stand.
I’ve learned that these moments are soon lost; that when I have a passing thought of a beautiful sight, it’s time to stop and bring it into full focus. Sometimes there is not even time to get my camera. Sometimes I just have to stand and experience it and let the memory serve as my only reminder of the beauty that was just in front of me.
Teach yourself to appreciate beauty. Teach yourself that when beauty arrives in your life, you will allow yourself to fully experience it before it fades away. It just takes a moment.