Hope Comfort Joy
The next step toward my goal is clear to me now and I take action
on it right now.
more affirmations...
"I have accepted fear as part of life -- specifically the fear of
change. I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that
says turn back."
~ Erica Jong
For the skilled, conscientious construction crew that is replacing
the siding on our home.
more gratitude...
Do what you love
Create beauty
Find peace
Deepen relationships
Enjoy all of your life
Clear the clutter
Cook delicious meals
Succeed with
Enrich family life
Learn to love
and be loved
Live abundantly on your income
Find useful simple living tips
Just 4 ingredients for the cookies plus a partial bag of Hershey's Chocolate Kisses. And the Kisses are optional!
Tender, delicious cookies. Warm from the oven. What could be better? RECIPE - Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies
Is there an old memory that makes you feel guilt or shame when it surfaces? Have you had times when you were plagued with bad emotions and could not seem to let them go?
Here's today's tip: Wash them away. When the memory haunts you, go wash your face and hands. Or better yet, take a shower and imagine all the guilt and shame washing away.
Acording to Mark Waldman and Dr. Andrew Newberg - two neuroscientific researchers* - the act of washing turns down the activity in the guilt centers of your brain. You will not only feel better and feel cleaner, but you will redirect the reaction in your brain.
Maybe that was the idea behind Rachel Hollis' best seller Girl, Wash Your Face?
*Science of Mind Magazine Article "Do You Feel Guilty? Good!" July 2019
Tomatoes and peppers are in season now. Follow along while we make a delicious Spanish rice dish with the tomatoes and peppers from our garden.
NEW! CC Custom Leatherworks Leather Case filled with 30 Inspirational Scripture Cards
In order to guide yourself to your goals, it is
important to keep actively working on them. Lack of motion can
often have very undesireable consequences.
Here is an article from the founder and CIO of SuccessNet,
Angier - Keep Moving
Photo courtesy of FreedigitalPhotos.net and xedos4
We've been picking strawberries and will soon be picking blackberries, mulberries and raspberries.
Check out our blog posts:
Wild Blackberries ... No They're Mulberries
As you are clearing out your closets, the attic, the basement, and the garage, you may come across an unexpected treasure.
Here are some of the things from The Fat Dollar's blog that may be worth some money:
1950's Furniture
Tacky Sweaters
Bread machines, food dehydrators, espresso machines
Vintage electronics
Lunchboxes with character or celebrity images
Costume Jewelry
If you believe you have found something of value, check eBay, Amazon, and do an internet search of the item to learn as much as you can about the value and possible buyers. Good luck!
Check out The Fat Dollar for more resources
Photo courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net and Kittikun Atsawintarangkui
This is the year to let go. Let go of all that is false, palnful, unwanted, unused, and unneeded.
Begin with faith, love, and a mind clear of "should have", "should be" and "ought to" and "I can't."
Simply ask "What if..?", "why not?", "how would it feel if ...?", and "what is the next step?"
Then listen. And begin.
Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net and Stuart Miles
Brighid tells us how she encountered a wake-up call with home clutter and how she changed her life by clearing the clutter from her home.
Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net and tiverylucky
Take a look at the long-term results of the all-natural hot water weed killer.
Homemade Weed Killer - Long Lasting Effects
Photo by Patti Tokar Canton All Rights Reserved
Try the plain water, no chemical, rather lazy method for getting rid of weeds.
This is what the dandelions in the walkway looked like the day after being treated with nothing more than hot water.
Photo by Patti Tokar Canton All Rights Reserved
Here are some of the sites I've found for gardening inspiration. We're still at that time of transformation where it's a little too soon to plant the gardens, but the views from the windows still caress you with promises of fertile earth and tender green shoots.
Top 20 Clever and Simple Gardening Hacks
A Little Garden Craziness for Your Creative Spirit
Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net and Simon Howden
This season of Christmas, Hanukahh, New Year's and
other December and January holidays, take a moment to determine
what your core value is for the season.
Is it the family gatherings, celebrations with friends, religious
services, gift exchanges, school programs, baking cookies and
candies, festive decorations, vacation time? Or something else
that is meaningful to you or your family?
Take a moment to fully imagine and feel the joy of
celebrating with your chosen way(s). Use this as your barometer
for how an activity will ideally make you feel your own personal
Now, let your body tell you what activities to keep or let go this
year. Think about each item on your holiday to-do list.
Does your stomach tense up or your head feel an ache when you
think of it? That's not joy! Let it go. Feeling a sense of dread
is a good indication that something doesn't fit in your values.
If you think of something, such as the children singing carols,
drinking hot chocolate, and opening gifts, and it makes your heart
sing, that is something to keep!
You may not have the courage or the ability to eliminate every
activity that is not joyful, but you can at least become aware of
them. Awareness is the first step to changing something that needs
to change.
Happy Holidays!
Photo courtesy of FreedigitalPhotos.net and Kittisak
Our attention is turned to the power, skills, talents, and beauty of performance in the 2014 Winter Olympics. Let's remember that while winning is awesome and energizing, our athletes should be honored just for the mere fact that they were chosen to participate. It takes years of dedication and practice to be an Olympian athlete.
Here is the Olympic Creed that appears on the scoreboard of the opening ceremonies:
Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net and imagerymajestic
From aprons in several styles, to
secret treasures books, to an oilcloth receipt wallet, we've
compiled a list of 11
Easy Handmade Gifts that your recipient should love. These
were selected both for the ease of creating them as well as for
gifts that have an increased chance of being well received. ..
.... Get
the 11 Ideas here ....
Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net and stockimages
This year our little apple tree had apples for the first time. They were smaller than normal - about the size of oversized golf balls - but they were sweet, crispy and delicious.
It was a bit of a thrill to make this cake with our own apples. The cake is moist with bits of apple and the caramel icing is a perfect compliment. .... Get this easy Apple Cake recipe here.
Apple Cake with Caramel Frosting Recipe
Photo by Patti Tokar Canton
Sometimes we can make our lives easier by making a few simple
changes. Yet often, we just keep doing things the same way, over
and over again. Why? Because we are not paying attention. We are
not even aware that there is another possibility or another way.
It took a bowl of mulberries to make me realize that I wasn't aware and paying attention to what I was doing to cause myself extra work and stress. .... Read on for the Mulberry Lesson.
The Mulberry lesson of the Green Stems
Photo courtesy of scottchan, freedigitalphotos.net
Deliberately do at least one thing every day that brings joy. Pick a flower, touch a piece of silk, pet your cat, listen to your favorite song, sip a smooth drink of coffee, watch the sun rise, bake some cookies, breathe in the scent of lavender, dance to the music, sit on the deck, walk barefoot in the sand, sing out loud, give away a good book, read a good book, taste a piece of fruit, eat a piece of dark chocolate, .... what gives you joy? Do it! And again!
Finding Joy in Life - It's Not That Hard
Mark Waldman and Andrew Newberg, MD, Research scientists and authors have developed a six step method to help you to increase both your productivity and your creativity
How to Increase Productivity.....
Check out our blog post on how to tell if raspberries are ripe and how to pick them.
By Dr. Donald E. Wetmore
I used to put everyone else's requests and needs first and if there was any time left over at the end of the day for what I needed and wanted to do, that was acceptable. That is until I began to realize that if you and I are going to be effective time managers, we have to stay away from allocating our time solely on the basis of those who demand it. Instead, if you and I are going to be effective time managers, we have to allocate our time on the basis of those who deserve it.
Brad Swift, Veterinarian and Founder of "Life on Purpose"
Perhaps you woke up one morning to realize the old joke is true: "Even if you finish the rat race in first, you're still a rat." Or maybe, the thought crept in more slowly, wedging itself into your consciousness while sitting in the five o'clock traffic jam as you commute home. However it appeared, you now realize it's time for a change to a simpler way of life.
But how do you start? These 10 steps will provide you with guidance to propel you along the path.
Brad Swift, founder of Life on Purpose, shares his favorite insights, steps, and actions that people can take to enhance the quality of their lives.
Have you made your New Year's goals? Use these 7 easy steps for reaching your New Year's Resolutions.
When you are feeling that you are
way out of balance - too much stress, too full of a calendar, too
little pleasure in everyday life - it may have a domino effect.
You may have trouble sleeping. You may overeat. You may use your
tight, high-pitched voice every time you talk to the kids. You may
be so self-absorbed that you pay little attention to your spouse.
You can begin to feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with
Making grape juice is a very simple process. The method shown is even simpler because the juice will be frozen instead of canned. To be fair, canning is not a difficult process, but even though my mother and grandmother canned produce, I have always chosen freezing.
Illustrated steps for making grape juice .....
of the most rewarding ways to begin simplifying your life is to
begin to deepen and smooth your relationships with your family and
close friends. This is especially true if you have a person in
your life that is very special to you, yet you have lost some of
the deep connection that you used to have.
Conscious acts of love can be very powerful in bringing you closer to the special people in your life. These are things that you do to express love to someone else. It is not part of a routine or habit, and it goes beyond just saying "I love you."
A conscious act of love is deliberate. It is usually a very small act, although it often does not feel small when you are doing it. It holds significance. When you do a conscious act of love, you call no attention to it - in fact you often do it secretly. It should be sincere and have a very powerful meaning for you.
By Jan
Life happens at such a fast pace nowadays. We often have so much going on that we don't take the time to make our lives simpler.
The problem is that we often don't know where to start making our lives less complicated. The more we do, the more stressed we become, which in turn can complicate our lives even more.
It takes courage to change, but it will be worth it. Here are 7 quick and easy ways to help you live a more simple and enjoyable life.
by Patti Tokar Canton
Today I'll share with you probably the most
important thing I've learned on my journey to clear the clutter
from my home: It's a skill.
I've always admired the people in my life that always seem to have a clean, clear, beautiful, and well organized home. Before I got well on my way to clearing my own home, my thoughts were a little envious that they "had" some inherent trait or talent that I simply lacked.
As I've begun filling boxes of things to give away, donate, or throw away, I've also begun learning. And learning. If you've followed the clutter-clearing articles on the Simple Life site and on the blog, you will notice that I've been sharing what I'm learning.
It's funny that it took me until now to realize that staying organized and keeping my home the way I want it to be is really a skill. It's not some elusive talent that some have and some don't have. It's simply a set of habits that are practiced to the point that the skills develop.
The skills are what surprise me. .... continue reading
SIMPLE LIFE CORPORATION - Simple Spiritual Abundant Living
Will a Housekeeper Simplify Your Life?
Learning the Unexpected Skills for Clutter Control
Why Do You Keep Doing That? - The Lesson of the Green Mulberry Stems
You're Late! Make a Small Change to Arrive on Time
7 Quick Ways to Simplify Your Life
The Act of Forgiving and Inner Peace
Want to Change Your Life? Try Yawning
Stressed? Overwhelmed? Try Just One Thing
The Top 7 Myths About Being Organized
Remembering Thankfulness - Gratitude Can Change Your Life
Allow the Seasons and Flow With Change
Top 10 Ways to Simplify and Organize Your Life
Secrets to Easier Holiday Meal Preparation and Clean Up
You Made the Choice ... And Choosing is Powerful
5 Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Life
How to Freeze Fresh Tomatoes -the Quick and Easy Way
Spanish Rice - Use Those Tomatoes and Peppers
Make the Decision and The Way Will Appear
Clear Your Clutter with the Zorro Circle Technique
How to Start a Gratitude Journal
Are You Sabotaging Your Own Dreams?
Take a Fitness Lesson From Your Cat
Clutter Clearing Like Magic - The Empty Box
Unused Gifts Will Quietly Annihilate Your Life
Do You Attract People? Increasing Your Magnetic Feminine Presence
Clutter Control - Ideas and Tips for Decluttering Your Life
24 (Other) Uses for Your Digital Camera
The Quest for a Meaningful Life - Meaningful Work is Critical
Decide What You Like - Simple Steps to a Better Life
10 Most Important Traits of Successful People
Do These Products Simplify Your Life?
10 Superfoods for a Longer, Healthier Life
Practical Tips for Simplifying
How to Achieve Your Goals - 7 Steps
Even Better - Second and Alternative Uses for Your Stuff
Magnificent Melted Ice Cream Muffins
Rekindle Your Romance in Five Minutes a Day
Where Do You Turn When You Don't Know What to Do?
Natural Way to Control an Ant Problem
Build a $32.18 Solar Heat Collector
Bartering for
the Frugal Shopper or Just For Fun - on our Fat Dollar site -
with links to online bartering sites and a resource for creating
your own bartering club
Do You
Have Money Waiting For You? Check out our list of each
state's official FREE search links!
Are You
Dreaming of Working From Home?
FREE Stuff -
this page is filled with offers for free samples.