Simple Life Corporation - Article


(This is a recap from Jean Carper's column appearing in the July 3-4 1999 issue of USA Weekend. )

Adding these foods to your diet may contribute to much better health!

1)  TOMATOES - antioxidant - better mental processing and reduced heart disease.  Tomato sauces, such as in pizza or sauces contain five times the lycopene as raw tomatoes.

2)  OLIVE OIL - reduce heart disease and cancer.  

3)  RED GRAPES - antioxidant.  Red grape juice is best, also red wine.  

4)  NUTS - cut heart-attack deaths, help prevent irregular heartbeats.  Almonds & walnuts help lower blood cholesterol.

5)  WHOLE GRAINS - even a slight increase in intake of whole grains corresponds to a lower death rate.  Anti-cancer agents that help stabilize blood sugar.

6)  SALMON AND OTHER FATTY FISH - contains omega-3 fats.  Essential for brain and heart activity, keeping arteries clear.  Sardines, mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon.  Get at least two servings per week.

7)  BLUEBERRIES - extremely high in antioxidants.  Even shown to reverse failing memory in animals.  1/2 cup per day.

8)  GARLIC - prolong cancer survival time, ward off cancer, heart disease, aging.

9)  SPINACH - (Your mom was right) Second only to garlic in antioxidant properties.  Protect aging brains, fight cancer, heart disease and mental disorders, possibly Alzheimer's.

10)  TEA - Green and black.  Possible that one cup per day cuts heart disease risk in half.  Use bags, not instant which has little antioxidants.

Try to eat a variety of these foods each week.  The actual food is usually superior to supplements.  

Health contributes to happiness!  A healthy body contributes to a simpler life!

Simple Life Corporation - Simple Living At Its Best! Copyright 1999 - 2013


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