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Superfoods List - Healthy Food


Adding these super foods to your diet may contribute to much better health. This super foods list should be part of your regular diet. All of these foods should be easily available. A trip to a health foods store is not required. No excuses!

1)  TOMATOES - antioxidant - better mental processing and reduced heart disease.  Tomato sauces, such as in pizza or sauces contain five times the lycopene as raw tomatoes.

2)  OLIVE OIL - reduce heart disease and cancer.  

3)  RED GRAPES - antioxidant.  Red grape juice is best, also red wine.  

4)  NUTS - cut heart-attack deaths, help prevent irregular heartbeats.  Almonds & walnuts help lower blood cholesterol.

5)  WHOLE GRAINS - even a slight increase in intake of whole grains corresponds to a lower death rate.  Anti-cancer agents that help stabilize blood sugar.

6)  SALMON AND OTHER FATTY FISH - contains omega-3 fats.  Essential for brain and heart activity, keeping arteries clear.  Sardines, mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon.  Get at least two servings per week.

7)  BLUEBERRIES - extremely high in antioxidants.  Even shown to reverse failing memory in animals.  1/2 cup per day.

8)  GARLIC - prolong cancer survival time, ward off cancer, heart disease, aging.

9)  SPINACH - (Your mom was right) Second only to garlic in antioxidant properties.  Protect aging brains, fight cancer, heart disease and mental disorders, possibly Alzheimer's.

10)  TEA - Green and black.  Possible that one cup per day cuts heart disease risk in half.  Use bags, not instant which has little antioxidants.

Try to eat a variety of these healthy foods each week.  The actual food is usually superior to supplements.  

Health contributes to happiness!  A healthy body is an integral part of a happier, simpler life!

(This is a recap from Jean Carper's column appearing in USA Weekend)

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